Princess Cadance, full name Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, is a Pegasus-turned-Alicorn pony who is first featured in the season two finale alongside her husband Shining Armor. She is Flurry Heart's mother, Twilight Sparkle's sister-in-law (after marrying Shining Armor) and former foal-sitter, Princess Celestia's adopted niece,note 1 and the co-ruler of the Crystal Empire alongside Shining Armor. Welcome to Wilderness Dunes. Wilderness Dunes has it all. On perhaps the most spectacular stretch of the famous Garden Route, this exclusive timeshare resort has direct access to the beach and is set against a backdrop of shining lakes and forests sweeping towards the slopes of the Outeniqua Mountains.

From ancient texts, myths and legends, the true identity of the “Shining Ones” is considered to be one of the greatest secrets ever kept from humanity. Examinations of sacred ancient texts reveal this amazing race of beings created mankind and walked among humans and were of great importance to ancient civilizations world-wide. The Shining Ones have appeared in many myths and cultures by different names and descriptions always as gods or creational forces of light. The most realistic definition of these beings is that they were highly intelligent extraterrestrial beings who ultimately creating animals and mankind.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead speaks of these beings in Chapter 134 - 14/17 - “The Gods” it clearly states:

“Behold, O ye shining ones, ye men (14) and gods, ye damned ones, when ye behold Osiris Ani, triumphant like unto Horus and adored (15) by reason of the ureret crown, fall ye down upon your faces; for Osiris Ani is victorious (16) over his foes in the heavens above and on the earth beneath, in the presence of the godlike rulers (17) Of all the gods and goddesses.”

This is the tale of the Watchers where an esoteric group of beings mentioned and revered by many cultures calling them Elohim (Ancient Hebrews called them Elohim much like the ancient Sumerians, who viewed them as the owners of mankind and its watchers) or Shining Ones were considered to be most powerful beings ever to exist, the ones who forged the human body and soul, and to have walked with mankind in ages long forgotten. Famous masonic historian General Albert Pike specifically noted in Morals and Dogma, the Elohim/Watchers were seen as the “hosts of heaven” traveling between worlds. Their leader, Yahweh Elohim can be translated as Leader of the Shining Ones.

According to some researchers, even the Native American shamans tell of the Bak’Ti gods, which the term translates to Shining Ones who descended on Earth millions of years ago establishing a base where they engineered mankind.[1]

Early records of The Shining Ones can be found in 5 basic sources:

1: Sumerian tablets from the library in Nippur where they are called by the name Annunaki (Anannage)

2: In Bible, Book of Genesis, Numbers, Deuteronomy, where the name of Nephilim was given to them

3: Writings in Greece that can be accounted to Babylonian priest Berossus

4: The Book of Enoch, where they are mentioned by the name of Angels, Watchers, Nephilim

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5: Book of Jubilees

The Bible makes reference to the Shining Ones as the Watchers appearing to Moses’s father Amram:

“And there appeared two men very tall, such as I have never seen on earth. And their faces shone like the sun, and their eyes were like burning lamps; and fire forth from their lips. Their dress had the appearance of feathers… [purple], their wings were brighter than gold, their hands whiter than snow. They stood at the head of my bed and called by my name.”

Furthermore, ancient Hebrew scripture tells of the birth of Noah being a progeny of the Shining Ones stating:

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“And after some days my son, Methuselak, took a wife from his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore him a son. And his body was white as snow and red as a rose; the hair of his head as white as wool and his demdema [long curly hair]beautiful; and as for his eyes, when he opened them the whole house glowed like the sun.

And his father, Lamech was afraid of him and fled and went to Methuselak his father; and he said to him “I have begotten a strange son. He is not like an (ordinary) human being but he looks like the children of the angels of heaven to me, his form is different and he is not like us. It does not seem to me that he is of me, but of the angels.”

According to Sumerian creation stories, Angels were known under the name of Anunnaki or Anannage (great sons of Anu), founders of their culture. A (Sumerian) was the chief God of Sun and Sky, and his name literally means “The Shining One.” According to this, the Anunnaki were, “Suns of the Shining One” or “Suns of Light.”[2] The same researchers concluded there is furthermore evidence of a connection with the Shining Ones in Sumerian tablets and Bible stating:

“Ninlil or Ninkharsag ‘Lady of Kharsag,’ wife of Enlil, asks the council of seven to create Eden (E-din) or heavenly garden. For Sumerians, E-din was ‘abode of rightful ones.’ This is the same heavenly garden which also can be found in the Bible. The tree of life and knowledge in the biblical garden alludes to secrets of the Shining Ones. It can be associated with the ‘tree’ of seven chakras, the ‘tree’ which lead the Shining One into ‘heaven.’ This tree later became the ‘tree of life’ in the esoteric system of Qabbalah. Number seven has cosmologically wide significance, and council of seven is the same as seven archangels or seven messengers from the Bible, which came from the heavens. Sumerians built their towers or Ziggurats with seven levels. It was said that the Shining deities resided at the top of Ziggurat – the ‘Great House’ or Ekur.”

The Hebrew myth is very similar to the one found in Sumerian “Epic of Gilgamesh” furthermore linking with the Book of Genesis ends with the story of Tower of Babel (Babylon), ironically at that time situated in the region of the Sumerian empire. To this end the story in the Bible suggests “secret knowledge” was connected with the Shining Ones initially brought in Babylon and then transferred from there.

Its true most of the ancient texts have been doctored over the years to paint a specific viewpoint to keep the people in line with what the powers that be desired but have nevertheless left a window open for viewing here and there. No doubt there have been powerful forces at work behind the scenes controlling what is able to be presented and taken in the minds of humanity. It has been the Church for the most part who has influenced and carefully erased any proof of the Shining Ones existence from history. The Book of Enoch is a perfect example and is said to hold vital information related to the identity of the Shining Ones, which is why according to some the book was removed from the Bible and then hidden away. The scribe Enoch taught by the Shining Ones, was employed after that as a messenger or intermediate between the Shining Ones and the “Ones who fell”. The fallen ones decided to leave their “divinity” to live amongst the people. This book is not included into canonical books today, and most of the Christian churches consider it as pseudepigrapha. However, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church regards it to be canonical to this day. The biggest question is why has the truth about these beings been kept hidden from humanity on such a massive scale? One researcher and author remarked:

“The slight thought of such beings to exist and govern our lives would shatter the very foundations of the all-ruling Church, so its reign continues as long as no other disputant questions the Church’s firm grasp over the entire world. Because of this, we have very little information about the Shining Ones’ identity.”

In all of the above cultures, there are records of special groups representing elite of the Shining Ones who have remained powerful groups which experienced the enlightenment of these beings. In Sumeria, is the Egregore or Watchers and many other epithets which were given to them. From all of these then we can conclude that they also were the Shining Ones. The Shining Ones are also found in the Bible and are considered to be “Angels of God.” The Essenes were the Hebrew sect for which it was said to stand behind the writings of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Name “Essees” comes from Hebrew meaning “preserver” or “guardian.” They also were called Watchers, “Sons of Light” and “Servants of God.”

Research indicates it has been the Church who has tried to erase this almost forgotten race from history, nevertheless, the bright legacy of the Shining Ones lives on, found captured on local cameras and etched into the local petroglyph walls along with the many myths and legends. There is no question these beings have existed in the past according to numerous historical texts and local legends and are said to be returning again.

There has been some research into these mysterious beings over the years resulting in some revealing information shinning through the clouds of deception. The Shining Ones: The World’s Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed by Philip Gardiner states:

“The story of The Shining Ones is the real history of mankind. Every twist and turn on the pathway of human evolution was put there deliberately by this secret priesthood for a mysterious and extremely long-term goal. On our journey to uncover the Shining Ones we will learn that history, as we know it, is a lie. History is, as Justice Holmes said, ‘what the people who won say it is.’ It has been warped over vast periods of time to fit with each generation’s idea of what is fact and what is truth. Our belief systems, whether religious, scientific or political, have been manipulated by a secret and deadly group of individuals who have a history going back thousands of years. They have a name, they have a power base and they have a secret, locked away within their initiated few, which has major implications for the future of mankind. We will discover the secret and reveal it. Once we decipher the Shining Ones’ clues, we will see how the mysteries of the ancient and not so ancient world can now be solved, from megalithic standing stones, the Holy Grail and alchemy to the truth behind religion and our present political systems. We must forget the false interpretations of myth and religion we have heard so many times, and know them for what they really are: the secret language of the Shining Ones.”


A person can find the Shining Ones in other religions and areas as well as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism that are predominated East. Records indicate for thousands of years, these Shining Ones worshiped the “inner light inside themselves like it was Sun itself” and this idea of enlightenment they carried with themselves wherever they went. Since recorded history and even before these beings have appeared all over the world leaving very little room to doubt what they are. In 2003 there was a total of 5 reported UFO Orb “Shining One” sightings. Then in the year 2013, there were over 865 reportedly seen in the United States alone in just one year. (2012 into 2013 according to the Mutual UFO Network MUFON reached the point of saturation.) By 2014 there were 410 reported cases less than half sighted than the year before. Make no question about it “They’re Here!” They have arrived and are waiting. Ironically with all the recorded sighting recently one thing is for sure it seems the “Shining Ones” are not landing in and visiting any conventional churches.

Additionally, there were no local conventional churches known of today who were back in the area when the Yavapai people emerged from Montezuma Well traveling somewhere on Mingus mountain and had relations with a “Shining One” thus giving birth to the legend of the “Yavapai: People of the Sun” and ultimately the “The Verde Valley Giant” the result of the mixing of humans with Shining Ones. Take into account what is seen in “Vortexes of the Heavens” where clearly what appear to be shining ones can be seen descending on Mingus mountain the evidence is pretty clear and bright. Other legends of Montezuma Well have the strange place as being the home of the god Quetzalcoatl was, as the name indicates, a feathered serpent like a dragon who was a boundary-maker (and transgressor) between earth (going into the underworld) and sky (heavens) above. Quetzalcoatl was a creator deity having contributed essentially to the creation of Mankind. Legend says Quetzalcoatl mouth is viewed as a wormhole, a place for arrival and departure of spirit beings portrayed as having a ladder descend from the sky by the Mayas. Isn’t it a little odd and strange there is a false bottom to the well the depths of which have yet to be explored and we have this extraordinary legend of a being who can descend from the heavens straight on into the depths of the underworld. There are indeed depths and legends found in “The Very Mysterious Montezuma Well” worthy of notice connected to this figure.

The Mesoamerican Plumed (or Feathered) Serpent legend/myth has fascinated humanity for quite some time. This god was believed to bring good tidings and even civilization itself to humankind.[3] The preeminent role in ancient times of the being among the Aztecs and Toltecs is evident from the fact that not only were whole civilizations with temples constructed around but whole cities were built as centers of worship including pyramid structures the likes of which are ironically found close by locally at Tuzzigoot National Monument. Tuzzigoot National Monument is a pyramid.

“The connections between these myths/legends of the gods, the powers they possessed, and where they originated from are undeniable.”

Not only were these beings said to be shapeshifters giving rise to the many Skinwalker/Bigfoot and other similar myths/legends but also could walk among humans looking as one as well. Some historians claim a few of these being required human sacrifice.

Nevertheless, despite the attempts to control all the information in the world which has happened for the most part there seems to be some light shining through the cracks here and there from all the attempts to cover up the truth about these luminous beings. Nevertheless, for those who can’t stomach all the misleading lies anymore the quest for truth remains paramount leading the way to discovery and hopefully the sharing of such information. One researcher connected to a source for this article perhaps stated it best about the purpose behind the quest saying:

“We hope that the ones who read this will ask themselves, how well do they know the world in which we all live in, about the truth that actually happened in the past and the one the history tell us. We hope you will all ask yourselves about the world in which we live today, who is really pulling all the strings and what is their connection with all past events and why some things are constantly being kept hidden from us. We hope this will provoke people to question themselves what they have been taught and to see what we take for granted. This is because in these times we constantly have new facts emerging from darkness which are showing us that there is a difference between what we know and what is just now coming out to the light.”

Further research has shown connections with these Shining Ones and the “Phoenix” and the city “Phoenix,” the “Phoenix Lights,” on the back of the dollar bill is the “Phoenix” who is also at the United Nations presiding over in a painting is the “Phoenix.” The Angels, Seraphim, are described as bright as the sun, a “Phoenix” enflamed... Make no question about it these beings have been coming and going for some time as is clearly shown in history and on the walls of the surrounding area ancient petroglyphs. The word phoenix originates in ancient Egypt, and Phoenicia is where, according to the book of Enoch, the fallen angels first descended upon Mount Hermon. From there some claim (Wayne Steiger) the Land of the Serpent Gods, America, became the home of this character. When President Bush stated, “And an Angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm” he was speaking the literal truth!

In some of the witch lores of Italy, the Watchers are referred to in an old Strega myth (recounted in Leland’s Aradia - Gospel of the Witches, published in 1890). In these legends, we find the words:

“Then Diana went to the fathers of the Beginning, to the mothers, the spirits who were before the first spirits.“

These spirits are the Grigori, also known in some traditions as “The Old Ones” an ancient race that have evolved beyond the need for a physical form. In some legends, the Watchers were said to have originally come from the stars. It may even be possible that the Watchers have a connection with ancient Egypt. In the Mystery Teachings of Egypt, one of the password phrases to gain access to the temple was:

“Though I am a child of the earth, my Race is of the stars.”


[1] Were the Elohim or Shining Ones the Creators of Mankind? Where Are They Now?

[2] Fallen Angels, Anunnaki, Nephelim, Watchers – The Shining Ones from Ancient Mesopotamia

[3] The ‘Myth’ of the Plumed Serpent: Revealing the Real Message Behind the Feathered Snake

NOTE: This information has been taken from a chapter in the book theSedona/Verde Valley Vortex and or will be added on the next update.

Find more articles about the magical side of the Sedona/Verde Valley at the Verde Valley Vortex where you’ll find the latest UFO, Vortex, and otherworldly news of the area by visiting us on Facebook.

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Traditional fruit machine type games are still popular and developer EGT has tapped I to this market many times, with one of the top titles being Shining Crown, where oranges, watermelons and cherries share the reels with a crown symbol that can create extra wins. The classic design extends to the standard 5x3 symbol layout and there’s just 10 paylines running across from the left side, with all permanently activated for a minimum wager of 0.10 per spin.

There’s the option to try out free Shining Crown video pokies at most online casinos, so anyone who likes to test a game before playing can do so, but like all EGT games, there’s a good return to player percentage and a guarantee of fair results.

As well as wild substitutions from the crown, and some big scatter payouts, while there’s a couple of features common to EGT pokies. Players have the option to gamble wins of below a certain amount, and there’s the Jackpot Cards feature connected to the Club, Diamond, Heart and Spade rising progressive jackpots that are shown above the reels.

Playing Shining Crown

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The majority of wins are going to come from landing 3, 4 or 5 of the same type of symbol across any of the 10 paylines on adjacent reels from the left side, and the lowest value of these combinations are made by the orange, cheery, lemon and plum symbols, each of which pays 10, 30 or 150x the line bet when landing on 3, 4 or 5reels.

We skip the fruit next, as a golden bell returns prizes of 20, 40 or 200x the line bet and then it’s back to the grocers with a watermelon and a bunch of grapes that are each worth 40, 120 or 700x. The top payouts come from a big red 7 symbol and when this classic icon appears across a payline, players are in for wins equal to 10x for just 2 of them, and 50, 250 or 5000x for 3, 4 or 5 on a line.

There’s a couple of scatter symbols that won’t need to be across a payline to create a win. The $ symbol is valued at 50, 100 or 100x when it turns up in any 3, 4 or 5 positions, while the purple star is worth a straight 200 coin payout when it stops anywhere on the first, third and fifth reels from the left.

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Wild Wins

Although it isn’t worth anything on its own, the crown symbol is the wildcard of the Shining Crown video pokie, so players who have matching symbols across the line, but there’s a gap in the sequence, could still get a win if the crown can fill in for the missing reel position. Lines of 3 matching symbols can also be extended across a further reel, which will bring in a 4 of a kind winning combination, or the crown can both substitute and stretch a winline at the same time.

Other Features

There’s no unique bonus games here, but players still have the gamble round and Jackpot Cards progressive feature. Any time a win is for less than 350 coins, a gamble can be taken with the prize, doubling the amount won of a correct red or black choice is made with the colour of a playing card. Getting the guess wrong loses the triggering prize, but if the player chose correctly, they can go on to try and double it again until the gamble high limit is reached.

While the Jackpot Cards round isn’t going to be awarded every day, players who enter this random feature are guaranteed to win 1 of the 4 jackpots. Which prize depends on which paying card suit they first uncover 3 times from the 12 face-down cards that will be lined up on a second screen.

The Verdict

Real money online pokies come in all shapes, sizes and themes, but classics like Shining Crown have remained popular throughout. It’s a simple game to learn and has very little in the way of distractions, so players can just decide on a bet size and get spinning away, collecting some reliable wins along the way.

Of course, being awarded entry to the Jackpot Cards round would be a crowning experience, however even without this, there’s the potential to land some big payouts. The only real downside is that it’s not mobile-optimised, so punters will need to find a desktop casino before playing.